Tag Archives: ZEE

1.31.07 – Never Forget

5 Years ago today, an important chapter in American history/terror was written. 5 years ago today Boston taught the world new ways to over react. Yeah man, 5 years ago today was the “Aqua Teen Bomb Scare.” The whole subject … Continue reading

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Friday thrash fuckfest.

Holy shit, It’s fucking Friday, I’m on my way back to Boston on a mission for some serious thrashing. This weekend is going to be KICK ASS! First up, we’ve got Jim Van fucking Bebber! DEADBEAT AT FUCKING DAWN! 16MM … Continue reading

Posted in art, black metal, Friday, Horror, Misc, monsters, Music, nerd shit, THRASH, Video | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment