Vol. 1 streaming, babes and blood.

Hey friends new and old.. we come today with some good words, first up, our super babe favorite lady, Laney (https://www.facebook.com/laney.oleniczak.art) dropped dropped this classy ass photo into our laps last night..

Holy shit, good news indeed. Any of the rest of you calling yourselves fans have some catching up to do…just saying. (you should commission her for some tattoo flash. It’s a good idea trust us.)

Stevil from over at All Hail The Black Market (awesome/go check it) has also enlisted, and put up this pic of his homemade Vulture mask! Hell I think this one looks better than ours!

So needless to say we are feeling the love! We do want to take a little time just to remind everyone what we do around these parts besides attempting to make the internet implode. We ALSO make fucked up movies! Like this one!

Some crazy fucker uploaded our whole tape to Youtube! Awesome! Let’s see how long we can get away with this! Send it errrrwhherrreee.

and you can download it right HEREEEEE if you want to have a copy for your very own! Break out the fucking nachos and do this right.

<3 you guys!

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