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Author Archives: Roil Vulture
Savage. Like a hobo with a shotgun.
If you are in Boston tonight, you fucking owe it to yourself to go see HOBO WITH A SHOTGUN as part of the Boston Underground Film Fest (tix here) Seriously though, we got a sneak peak of this bad boy … Continue reading
The beer bison rides shotty.
We are in ultimate cram mode for the upcoming Boston Underground Film Fest PARTIES but sometimes you just have to take the time to find dumb internet videos. For example, having a Bison to drink beer with is probably the … Continue reading
Posted in Photos, Video
Tagged Beer Bison, Beer Buffalo, beers, boston underground film festival, buff, Drunk Bison, Sci Fi Sexploitation, The Whore Church, whore church
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Hoodwinked! – Monster Dog
Movie covers are SUPER deceiving. I really REALLY liked American werewolf in London right? So I tend to watch most werewolf movies when they cross my path. Like this guy. . Monster Dog (1984) – Dir. Claudio Fragasso Aw way … Continue reading