The beer bison rides shotty.

We are in ultimate cram mode for the upcoming Boston Underground Film Fest PARTIES but sometimes you just have to take the time to find dumb internet videos. For example, having a Bison to drink beer with is probably the coolest thing I could ever imagine. He could take huge dumps on enemies, eat through a corn maze if you ever got stuck in one.. It’d be fucking awesome. And maybe if you got the Antichrist to sit in the back seat of your sedan with his dumb hat you’d find paradise.

On the radio it would just be roomfulls of Korean Kindergarteners playing acoustic guitar. Better teach those bastards “The Trooper” by Iron Maiden. Bruce Dickinson would fly real low and give you a high 5 like the crazy limey that he is.

I can’t even wait. Anyways, come to TT the Bears Place this Thursday for a night full of brand new visuals from the Brothers Vulture!

Sci Fi Sexploitation indeed !

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